Academic Contributions


Harvard Game Academy


Harvard Game Academy Instruction

Taught UDK Game Development to 16 high school students at the Summer Harvard Game Academy

Worked as Lead Instructor during the 2012 term


MIT Science Museum


MIT Science Museum Speech

Speech on how to study and cause emotional responses using game sound effects

Given on 5/2011 for the Cambridge Science Festival

Masters Thesis


Chapter in Game Sound Technology and Player Interaction

Causing Player Fear and Anxiety through Sound Design in Video Games

Toprac, P. and Abdel-Meguid, A.,  Causing Fear and Anxiety Through Sound Design in Video Games.  In M. Grimshaw (Ed.), Game Sound Technology and Player Interaction: Concepts and Developments. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


UDK Tutorial

UDK Tutorial

Self-Published Unreal Development Kit Tutorial

Available publicly for educational purposes